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Colour Challenges – menu

Every year, since 2013,  Aotearoa Quilters has set an open colour challenge. The size is usually 12″ x 12″ and the challenges are open to all New Zealand quilters. At the reveal event, all the quilts are displayed together and always look stunning. The challenge quilts tour round New Zealand quilt guilds, galleries and events for up to a year.  All quilts are for sale, but purchasers have to wait until the end of the touring season to receive their quilts.

2023 Colour Challenge Gallery – Red 2

2022 Colour Challenge Gallery – Brown

2021 Colour Challenge Gallery – Lime

2020 Colour Challenge Gallery – Aqua

2019 Colour Challenge Gallery – Silver

2017 Colour Challenge Gallery – Pink

2017 Colour Challenge Gallery – Orange

2016 Colour Challenge Gallery – Yellow

2015 Colour Challenge Gallery – Green

2014 Colour Challenge Gallery – Purple

2014 Colour Challenge Gallery – Blue

2013 Colour Challenge Gallery – Red